Corporations and Associations Law Principles and Issues, 5th edition, 2011

Corporations and Associations Law Principles and Issues, 5th edition, 2011

John V Gooley, Michael Zammit, Matthew Dicker, David J. Russell

Corporations and Associations Law: Principles and Issues, 5th edition, 2011, LexisNexis Butterworths. This book involved a comprehensive re-write from the 4th edition of the same work which had been written by John Gooley as sole author in 1999. The 5th edition offered a contemporary treatment of the central issues of corporations and associations law and brought in expert analysis and commentary on developments in those areas and which had been given effect to in the period 1999 to 2011. In this edition, John Gooley was joined by David Russell, Matthew Dicker and Michael Zammit as co-authors with such authors drawing on their extensive experience as practising barristers and teachers to provide an in-depth and practical analysis of a broad range of topics affecting corporations and associations.

The objective was to present corporations and associations law in a detailed but clear and accessible style. The edition was found to be well-regarded and was prescribed in numerous courses at a number Universities throughout Australia and became a valuable tool for practitioners in this area.

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